
These 3 words summarize my operational maxim, and serve as the guiding principle in all I do. 

How can I help you?

About Me

I’m Siya Mdingi, and I help businesses and NPOs leverage on Value.

By profession, I’m a Value creation and Value Strategy specialist, helping enterprises develop compelling Value offerings that grow and retain their client, partnership and stakeholder bases, and multiply their enterprise impact.

What I Do

My work runs the gamut, from consulting, to speaking and facilitation, to governance and board service!

Value Strategy

Discovering Value creation opportunities and leveraging on them


Developing quality learning content and delivering it

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Public Speaking

Engaging diverse audiences on multiple platforms and mediums

Governance & Boards

Making impactful and contributions within governance structures

Featured Work - Podcast

Inside Value

My weekly podcast show!

Airing every Thursday on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and YouTube

The podcast explores the full scope and technical applications of Value, Value Creation and Value Innovation for businesses and non-profit organizations, and provides tools that you can use within your enterprise to create and deliver Value.

Habitant hac sit in phasellus in
Faucibus tristique sed vitae eu
Vel proin tincidunt enim aenean

Featured In:

“Siya has an amazing method of navigating clients (and her audience) through the process from the initial need to finding the implied need to ultimately best service you.”
Rakesh Patel
Product Manager; Sales Professional